The Cave Cozy Cuts
***A Warm N Cozy Exclusive***
If you are like us, and love to starch your fabric, then you know the pain of not being able to use pre-cuts. Well, now you can!!!! Our Cozy Cuts start with 12 high-quality quilting fabrics from today's top designers and are curated to coordinate beautifully together. These 12 fabrics are then cut into 11-inch wide strips that are the Width of Fabric (WoF). From there, how you prepare them is entirely up to you! Each packages contains approximately 3 2/3 YARDS of fabric! From each package you could get:
• 48 2 1/2-inch strips (Most pre-cut rolls only contain 40 to 42 strips)
• 48 10-inch squares (Most pre-cut squares only contain 40 to 44 squares)
• 192 5-inch squares
• 768 2 1/2-inch squares
These cuts really do allow you to make the most of your fabric choices, all while allowing you the option to prepare your fabric the way you want to.